Since 2010 DATUS have delivered prison in-reach work in HMP Birmingham, combining mutual aid with evidence based psycho-social interventions. We also deliver through the gate interventions supporting prisoners upon release and provide meaningful opportunities for individuals to engage with in the community.
The peer-led nature of the project stems from the fact that it was begun by our current CEO, a previous inmate of HMP Birmingham, who returned to the prison to deliver voluntary groups which evolved into the current project.
Participants can identify with the experiences of the facilitator, who represents a walking example of visible contagious recovery, and also encourages a higher level of honesty and disclosure from participants, as they are less likely to feel judged or stigmatised when discussing their substance misuse. This creates a safe space within the custodial environment encouraging personal development.
We then seek to engage with the individual upon release, creating a consistent link with the recovery community. With the growing network of mutual aid meetings in the community, prisoners have a support network available on release that reinforces the tools and learning gained in the prison.
“ACT and the pause button have helped me avoid reacting to a lot of situations that I have found difficult to cope with in the past.”
Speaking to people who have been in addiction themselves and have been able to maintain themselves in recovery is very effective.
Other Services
What is peer-led service?
It means everyone at DATUS who you deal with will have personal experience of issues connected with substance misuse.
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